第十七届“相约北京”艺术节: 法国卡洛琳·卡尔森舞蹈团现代舞《种子》 The 17th Meet in Beijing Arts Festival Contemporary dance Seeds by Carolyn Carlson Company 演出时间: 2017年5月30日14:30 2017年5月30日19:30 演出场馆:北京天桥艺术中心 小剧场 演出票价:180/120/80 演出时长: 55分钟 演出类型:现代舞 购票电话:400-6655-501
项目介绍 现代舞《种子》是一曲致敬地球母亲的赞歌,也是号召下一代更多的关注环境问题和物种灭绝的集结号。 《种子》关乎生命、循环和希望。种子随风飘散,孕育出新的希望。 Seeds is a joyful ode to Mother Earth, as much as a call to the future generations for a greater awareness of environmental urgency and the danger of daily extinctions of many living species. The title, Seeds, deals with themes such as birth, or rebirth, an ode to hope: seeds will be spread, virtually or physically, for the blooming of new ideas and desires, to celebrate life.
团体介绍 卡洛琳·卡尔森舞蹈团是一个充满活力和创作自由的舞蹈团体,他们的舞蹈以交织的手势和诗意的冥想而闻名。 2014年月,卡洛琳·卡尔森在担任加莱国家舞蹈中心总监九年后,回到巴黎并成立了以自己名字命名的舞蹈团。卡洛琳·卡尔森舞蹈团每年都至少推出两部大型舞蹈作品,包括舞团常演作品和国际知名芭蕾作品,并在世界范围内广泛巡演。 舞团目前在巴黎市中心的夏洛特国立剧院驻场演出,是巴黎舞蹈界的翘楚。卡洛琳·卡尔森每年都会推出即兴舞蹈季,其中融合了她承自埃尔文·尼科莱的舞蹈技巧,并包括了舞团常演剧目。
“The Carolyn Carlson Company is a hive of activity, an area of creativity and freedom in which intertwine gesture and poetic thought...” January 2014: after nine years as director of the CCN de Roubaix Nord-Pas de Calais, Carolyn Carlson returns to Paris and funds her company, the Carolyn Carlson Company (CCCy). With a unique repertory and accompanied by dancers true to her poetical gesture, Carolyn pursues her creative process: each year, the Carolyn Carlson Company carries out at least two large scale projects, a creation and the transmission of repertoire pieces to the most prestigious international ballets, while continuing touring the choreographers’ creations worldwide. Now in residence in the Théatre National de Chaillot, the Company is at the very center of Parisian choreographic scene. Carolyn Carlson proposes improvisational sessions concerning her unique technique from the heritage of Alwin Nikola?s, including the transmission of her repertoire, and artistic encounters to share with the public.
艺术总监、编舞:卡洛琳·卡尔森 卡洛琳·卡尔森生于美国加州。她自视为一个流浪者:从旧金山湾区到犹他大学,从纽约艾尔文·尼科莱舞蹈团到巴黎安内·贝兰热舞蹈团,从巴黎歌剧院芭蕾舞团到威尼斯费尼切舞蹈团,从巴黎维勒剧院到赫尔辛基,从威尼斯双年展到鲁贝,卡尔森是一个不知疲倦的行者,永远在探索和分享自己诗意般的内心世界。 四十余年来,卡尔森在欧洲众多国家均获得了巨大成功。她是巴黎歌剧院芭蕾舞团和意大利费尼切舞蹈团现代舞发展进程中的关键人物。她创作了超过100部现代舞作品,其中许多都是舞蹈发展史上里程碑式的作品,包括《密度21.5》《马年》《蓝色女士》等。2006年,她获得了威尼斯双年展金狮奖, 这也是该奖项首次授予一名编舞。
Artistic Director & Choreographer: Carolyn Carlson California-born Carolyn Carlson defines herself first and foremost as a nomad. From San Francisco Bay to the University of Utah, from the Alwin Nikolais company in New York to Anne Béranger’s in France, from Paris Opera Ballet to Teatrodanza La Fenice in Venice, from the Théatre de la Ville de Paris to Helsinki, from Ballet Cullberg to La Cartoucherie in Paris, from the Venice Biennale to Roubaix, Carlson is a tireless traveller, always seeking to develop and share her poetic universe. For four decades, Carlson has had significant influence and success in many European countries. She played a key role in the birth of French and Italian contemporary dance through the GRTOP (theatre research group) at Paris Opera Ballet and Teatrodanza at La Fenice. She has created over 100 pieces, a large number of which are landmarks in the history of dance, including Density 21.5, The Year of the Horse, Blue Lady, Steppe, Maa, Signes, Writings on Water and Inanna. In 2006, her work was rewarded with the first ever Golden Lion given to a choreographer by the Venice Biennale.
主创团队 编舞:卡洛琳·卡尔森 编舞助理:萨拉·奥尔赛丽 舞者:Chinatsu Kosakatani (日裔), Ismaera Takeo Ishii (日裔),阿莱克西斯·奥钦 多媒体动画:雅西内·阿伊特·卡奇 灯光设计:吉劳梅·邦内乌 作曲:阿莱克西·奥布里-卡尔森 服装设计:奥利维尔·穆林 制作:卡洛琳·卡尔森舞蹈团
Choreography | Carolyn Carlson Choreographic Assistant | Sara Orselli Dance | Chinatsu Kosakatani, Ismaera Takeo Ishii, Alexis Ochin Elyx Video creation, animation | Yacine Ait Kaci (YAK) Lights | Guillaume Bonneau Original music | Aleksi Aubry-Carlson Costumes | Olivier Mulin Production | Carolyn Carlson Company |