《小羽的气球》 TINY 编舞:邢亮 Choreography: XING Liang 演出:广东现代舞团(广州) Presented by: Guangdong Modern Dance Company (GZ) 演出日期/时间:2017.07.28(周五)20:00 Performance Date/Time: July 28th, 2017 (Friday) 20:00 演出场馆:北京天桥艺术中心大剧场 Performance Venue: Grand Theater, Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center 演出票价: ¥300 / 220 / 160 / 80 Ticket Info: ¥300 / 220 / 160 / 80
舞美设计:邢亮、刘诗豪 Set Design: XING Liang, LOW Shee Hoe 音乐:许敖山 Music: Steve HUI 灯光:刘诗豪 Lighting Design: LOW Shee Hoe 服装:李慧娥 Costume: Linda LEE
由中国著名现代舞者邢亮为广东现代舞团量身打造之作,也许是安静的回忆,也许是孤独的絮语,零碎而微弱,淡然且释怀。《小羽的气球》希望您从“观”舞里“听到”自己心中那最寂静的声音。 “观,就是准备进入一个未知的世界。我们必须心甘情愿地丢掉所有的信念、知识、传统,以及所有让我们感觉舒适的东西。我们只须敞开自己,让自己活在易感的状态里,回到本初一颗不带有任何偏见与假设的心。这颗心会借着‘观’而发现新的东西;而不是为了确定什么。” 摘自《耶稣也说禅》第十章
The piece brings peaceful memories or lonely whispers, fragmented and feeble, tranquil and relieving; taking audience to go from watching to submerging in the dance. “To look, is to prepare oneself to enter into an unknown area. One has to be willing to thrown away all existing beliefs, knowledge, traditions, and everything that we have become comfortable with. We just need to open up and allow ourselves to be in a receiving mode, going back to a quintessential state of mind and heart without any pre-judgements nor assumptions. This heart will then through look discover new things, and not to confirm on things.” – The Zen Teachings of Jesus by Kenneth S. LEONG. 编舞介绍:
邢亮 出生于北京,1991年毕业于北京舞蹈学院,1993年加入广东实验现代舞团,1998年加入香港城市当代舞蹈团。曾获第六届法国巴黎国际舞蹈比赛男子独舞金奖、全国十优舞蹈演员、广东省跨世纪之星、香港舞蹈联盟舞蹈家年奖、香港艺术发展局杰出青年艺术家奖及年度最佳艺术家奖。
XING Liang Born in Beijing, Xing Liang graduated from Beijing Dance Academy in 1991 and became a dancer of Guangdong Experiemental Modern Dance Company in 1993 and Hong Kong’s City Contemporary Dance Company in 1998. XING has won the Gold Prize in Modern Dance section of the 6th Paris International Dance Competition, National 10 Best Dancer, Guangdong Province’s Star of Beyond the Century, Hong Kong Dance Award and received the Award for Outstanding Young Artist (Dance) and the Award for Best Artist (Dance) from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
广东现代舞团 于1992年由广东省文化厅批准正式成立,是中国首个现代舞专业表演团体,以精湛的创作及演出闻名海内外。在经济高速发达的时代中,广东现代舞团的成立是国内舞蹈史上的一个里程碑,被美国《纽约时报》形容为“国际舞蹈界的成功典范”。舞团开放、创新的思维观念和前瞻、包容的特质吸引了全国极具天分及勇于探索的艺术人才前来工作,作品赢得国内外一致好评,见证着中国现代舞的发展和舞坛新星的成长。舞团在国际上享有盛誉,应邀参演多个国际艺术节,足迹遍及欧美、亚洲和大洋洲的主要国家及地区,所到之处无不受到观众和媒体的高度赞赏和评价。
Guangdong Modern Dance Company Guangdong Modern Dance Company (GMDC) is China’s first professional modern dance company founded in 1992. Living in times of rapid economic growth, the establishment of GMDC serves as a milestone in the history of dance in China. The New York Times has described the group as “one of the big success stories of international dance” and “a pacesetter with a difference”. It has attracted talents from all over the country who are creative and explorative; its works has received good reviews from within and outside of Chia; this is serving as a testimony to the development of the talents and of modern dance. The company tours extensively and has appeared at many arts festivals held all over the world.