2017北京舞蹈双周 - 另类舞台节目四
《欧洲和美国的碰撞–炫富、兄弟》 Powwow between Europe & US –Trophy, Tao Te 编舞:凯文·威廉姆森、费伦茨·费赫尔 Choreography:Kevin WILLIAMSON, Ferenc FEHéR 演出:凯文威廉姆森舞团(美国)、费伦茨费赫尔(匈牙利) Presented by: Kevin Williamson and Company (US), Ferenc FEHéR (HU) 演出日期/时间:2017.07.29(周六) 17:00 Performance Date/Time: July 29th, 2017 (Saturday) 17:00 演出场馆:北京天桥艺术中心小剧场 Performance Venue: Studio Theatre, Beijing Tianqiao Performance Arts Center 演出时长:35分钟、36分钟 Program Duration: 35 mins, 36mins 演出票价:¥120 Ticket Info: ¥120
《炫富》 Trophy 编舞:凯文·威廉姆森 Choreography: Kevin WILLIAMSON
音乐:吉普尼斯 Music: Jeepneys
音乐家:安娜·培特里斯高 Musician: Anna PETRISKO
视频:凯莉·安·沈 Video: Cari Ann SHIM SHAM
服装:凯文·威廉姆森 Costume: Kevin WILLIAMSON
Trophy is a multimedia dance portrait created by US Los Angeles-based choreographer Kevin WILLIAMSON in collaboration with experimental composer Jeepneys and video artist Cari Ann SHIM SHAM. Trophy interrogates the authority that media interface has on modern living, pressures to exhibit success, and the unique ways we capture and share moments of our lives in real-time. Exploring the aesthetics of 2D personas, three millennial dancers splinter fluid movements into still frames with virtuosic precision, fragmenting contemporary dance conventions and everyday life into a series of stop-n-go selfies. Meanwhile, hyperbolic landscapes and manipulated images of the players are projected onto multiple surfaces – creating a captivating dialogue between live action and live stream. Combined, the aesthetics of fragmentation highlight a disjointed but extraordinary display of contemporary bodies in a media-driven world.
凯文·威廉姆森与凯文·威廉姆森舞团 来自美国洛杉矶,曾获美国莱斯特霍顿舞蹈奖,现任教于加州史克里斯学院舞蹈系。凯文·威廉姆森以为现代生活创造不寻常的体验为宗旨。通过艺术家们的跨界合作,将身体视为可塑性校极强的载体,以探索不断变化的反认同和对当代美学的好奇心。由不同领域和视角所产生的舞蹈语汇是多层次、多面向和不循规蹈矩的。威廉姆森和舞者一起努力通过吸收不协调的声音和物质意象来破坏二进制逻辑,同时利用丰富的、共鸣的以及怜悯的情绪庆贺异乎寻常的想法。
Kevin WILLIAMSON US Los Angeles-based movement artist, a Lester Horton Award recipient, and a faculty member at Scripps College in Claremont, Kevin WILLIAMSON’s mission is to create unusual dance experiences about modern life. Collaborating with a group of interdisciplinary artists, the group celebrates the body as a malleable vessel to explore evolving dis-identities and one’s curiosities about contemporary aesthetics. Moving across different disciplines and perspectives generate movement narratives that are layered, multifaceted and unruly. Together, the group strives to disrupt binary logic by drawing on discordant sounds and physical imagery, while celebrating queer ideas in excess, empathy, and compassion.
鸣谢Acknowledgement: Scripps College Dance Department 美国斯克里普斯女子学院舞蹈系
《兄弟》 Tao Te 编舞:费伦茨·费赫尔 Choreography: Ferenc FEHéR
音乐:费伦茨·费赫尔 Music: Ferenc FEHéR
灯光:大卫·科沃乔维奇 Lighting: Dávid KOVáCSOVICS
音响:大卫·科沃乔维奇 Sound:Dávid KOVáCSOVICS
服装:胡迪特·西蒙 Costume: Judit SIMON
此作品受到中国老子《道德经》的启发,探讨人与人之间共存所面对的种种状态为主线。舞台上两个人的关系扑朔迷离,也许是朋友,也许是兄弟,也许是敌人。在面对利益时你争我夺,有时又互相支持,过程轻松有趣,又发人深省。 “有无相生,难易相成,长短相形,高下相倾,音声相和,前后相随。” --老子《道德经》
Tao Te is inspired by the classic Tao Te Ching: Book of The Way of Virture by Chinese master LAO Tze, this duet explores the attitude towards co-existence. The relationship between the two dancers is confusing, perhaps as brothers, or perhaps as enemies. When vested interests exist, the two would fight against each other and also support each other. The piece takes on a humourous and light-hearted tone provoking one to reflect. “Being and non-being create each other. Difficult and easy support each other. Long and short define each other. High and low depend on each other. Before and after follow each other.” --Tao Te Ching by LAO Tze
费伦茨·费赫尔 来自匈牙利的经验丰富和成熟的舞者兼编舞家。他的作品风格独特、极具表现力,融合了即兴、肢体和动物运动语汇。费伦茨·费赫尔持续创作,不断提升、完善带有他个人特质的代表作,自2007年起就一直于世界各地创作及演出。
Ferenc FEHéR A dancer and choreographer from Hungary, Ferenc FEHéR has a very distinctive performance style and full of expressions filled with improvisations, physical and animal-like movements. FEHéR continuously to create and enhance on his choreographies. He has been performing on world stages since 2007.