演出地址:天桥艺术中心 小剧场 演出时间:2017年12月21日19:30 2017年12月22日19:30 2017年12月23日19:30 2017年12月24日19:30 演出票价: 380/280/180/99 演出时长: 80分钟(无中场休息) 演出类型:默剧
面具 面具前后的不同世界 肢体 极具魅力的无言喜剧 情节 台前幕后的天壤之别 内涵 虚幻真实的一线之隔
巡演全球34个国家的弗罗兹默剧剧团再度来袭 《天堂大酒店》原班人马,实力奉送 权威五星好评的精彩之作 捧腹闹剧揭秘小人物的舞台梦
梦幻剧团是生活在剧院里的剧团。 他们是一个美妙的组合,擅长于世界知名戏剧中的惊险打斗场面、致命的阴谋和令人心碎的咏叹调。表面来看,他们夜以继日地驶向前所未有的成功。而另一面,在黑暗后台工作的三个舞台技术人员,隐秘的生活如今重见光明。
来自德国的弗洛兹默剧剧团(Familie Floz) 于 1994 年由一群在埃森富特旺根音乐学院学习表演和默剧的学生成立,并尝试用面具作为表演方式。1996 年,剧团正式将公众和媒体对该剧团的称呼“Familie Fl?z kommt über Tage”作为剧团名称并沿用至今。在过去的20 年里,该剧团已经在27 个国家巡演了五部剧目,独一无二的具有诗意的幽默为弗洛兹剧团赢得了世界性的声誉。2006年,剧团庆祝了“天堂大酒店”在7 个不同地方的首演。从那时起,该剧目也在世界巡演中获得了巨大的成功。2015 年的爱丁堡艺术节上,该剧一经推出门票就瞬间告罄。
《星期日泰晤士报》 ☆☆☆☆☆ 《艺穗官方指南》 ☆☆☆☆☆ 《英国剧院指南》 ☆☆☆☆☆ 《百老汇宝贝》 ☆☆☆☆☆ 《The List》 ☆☆☆☆☆ 《The Stage》 ☆☆☆☆☆ 《Across The Arts》 ☆☆☆☆☆
“无言,但不知何故能如此精准表达,充满了悲伤的渴望,但也充满了喜悦,这是部明亮且纯熟的喜剧。” ——英国卫报
“演出虽然结束,但观众仍在逗留,《梦幻剧团》实在令人迷醉。弗罗兹剧团以幽默、以魅力、以热情讲述了一个让人无法自拔的故事。” ——南德日报
“我们听到观众的欢呼喝彩……《梦幻剧团》引起了我们丰富的想象。它想要传达的基本思想既简单又出彩。” ——柏林日报
“Wordless and yet somehow so expressive, full of yearning and yet also _lled with joy; this is splendid andimmensely skillful character comedy.” —<the Guardian> PROGRAM: TEATRO DELUSIO
TEATRO DELUSIO is theatre in the theatre. A fantasticensemble excels in breathtaking fighting scenes,deadly intrigues and heart- breaking arias of worldfamousplays. Night by night they steer towardsunprecedented triumphs. That is on one side. Onthe other side three stage technicians work in thebackstages’darkness. Their lives, which usually remainhidden, now recede into the light. Familie Floz hascreated a small family, whose home is the theatre itself:the efficient Bob is young, strong and unpredictable; the chronically tired and sickly Bernd is constantlybossed around and the idle, always hungry Ivan ispermanently anxious not to loose control over theshows. Separated from the radiant stars on stage bynothing more than a sparse scenery the three untiringhelpers are fighting for their own happiness in adifferent universe. Yet in a magical way the glamorousworld of pretence connects and is blended with thedown to earth life backstage. TEATRO DELUSIO is onceagain the art to say everything without a single word.
The FAMILIE FLOZ was established in 1994 bya small group of acting and mime students at the Folkwang-Hochschule Essen in Germany,experimenting with masks. In 1996, the original version of “FamilieFloz kommt Uber Tage” wasreceived with great enthusiasm by the press and public and became the group’s namesake yearslater. Over the past 20 years they have toured with five different productions to 27 countries,giving Familie Floz an international reputation for its unique poetic and comic ensemble. “HotelParadiso” celebrated its premier in 2006 in sevendifferent locations and has been touring verysuccessfully worldwide ever since. Just recentlythe show performed a spectacular sold-out run atthe Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2015.