演出地址:天桥艺术中心 小剧场
演出时间:2018年4月20日 19:30
2018年4月21日 19:30
楚歌四起,战马悲嘶,项羽大势已去。沙场月下,英雄末路,虞姬自刎诀别。面对乌江,霸 王仿佛听见虞姬寄语勉励,留待有用之身,伺机东山再起;又看见将士亡魂要求拼死一战。一切徘徊于虚实之间......
小剧场粤剧 《霸王别姬》(新编)以传统粤剧作为切入,逐渐演变至近代粤剧的演出风格, 向观众呈现粤剧的流变与发展。
全剧以传统粤剧表演程式「走四门」、「跳大架」作为序幕,并以「中州韵」(又称桂林官话)演绎, 配合粤剧锣鼓,保留传统精髓,显示年轻戏曲演员锐意创新而又不忘传统的态度;在项羽入帐与虞姬对饮的情节中,编者逐渐糅合当代粤剧特色,如梆黄交替、小曲牌子穿插运用,并以广州话作为唱念基础;及后的〈乌骓〉及〈乌江自刎〉两节,不仅加强霸王项羽、虞姬及士兵的心理刻划,更透过创作新曲,尝试在传统旋律上加以推进。
粤剧吸纳了其他剧种的表演元素,本身亦不乏优点;创作团队改编经典老戏,结合传统与创 新意念,更在坚固的传统上再创新点子,展现粤剧多姿多彩的特性,以实验性、青春式尝试,为戏曲发展探索全新路向。
黎耀威 饰 项羽
毕业于香港城市大学中文系,现任香港八和会馆理事。名伶文千岁及音乐名家潘细伦入室弟子,曾跟随文礼凤,韩燕明习艺。二〇一〇年荣获香港八和会馆与香港电台第五台合颁的「粤剧青年演员飞跃进步奖(生角)」,二〇一一年荣获香港艺术发展局颁发「艺术新秀奖(戏曲) 」,同年创立「吾识大戏」,以崭新形象推广粤剧。近年的粤剧创作包括《瀛台泣血》、《清风亭》;将莎士比亚名著《仲夏夜之梦》及《哈姆雷特》改编成《一梦南柯》及《王子复仇记》;二〇一七年为中国戏曲节编写新剧《夺王记》。
黄宝萱 饰 虞姬
吴立熙 饰 马童 / 士兵
监制 锺珍珍*
编剧/导演/编曲 黎耀威、黄宝萱
演员 黎耀威、黄宝萱、吴立熙
音乐领导 李迪伦
击乐领导 陈定邦
乐师(按姓氏笔划序) 司徒蔚雪、何卓晋、李国墇、陈一凡、茹健朗、梁淑研、黎家维
监制助理 / 字幕控制 李嘉隆*
舞台设计 黄逸君
音响设计 温新康
灯光设计 萧健邦
服装设计 谭嘉仪
技术总监 胡伟聪*
制作经理 蔡皓敏*
舞台监督 吴紫灵
助理舞台监督 陈泽君
电机师 王君君
服装整理 李美颐、赵笑珍
Experimental Cantonese Opera “Farewell My Concubine” (New Adaptation)
Production of the West Kowloon Cultural District Xiqu Centre
About the plot
Echoing from all sides, the songs of Western Chu and the whinnying of war horses add to the heavy-hearted mood pointing to the downfall of Xiang Yu, the self-proclaimed “Overlord of Western Chu”. Under the moonlight, Xiang Yu’s lover, Consort Yu, bids a heartbreaking farewell to the hero before killing herself with his sword. By the banks of the Wu River, Xiang seems to hear Yu’s voice encouraging him to bide his time for a future comeback. At the same time, the spirits of soldiers slain in battle appear before him, urging him to fight till the end.
Blending traditional Cantonese opera techniques with contemporary staging and lighting design, this groundbreaking production reinterprets the last moments of a hero caught between reality and fantasy before his final battle and ultimate defeat at Gaixia.
Creative ideas
This new adaptation of the classic play Farewell My Concubine, merges traditional Cantonese opera principles with innovative new techniques, offering audiences a performance that illustrates the transformation and development of Cantonese opera.
The play opens with a prelude that features the entry of the heroic male lead Xiang Yu and a demonstration of traditional Cantonese opera performing skills. Throughout the production, songs are sung in Central Plains Mandarin and Cantonese, with tunes played by a traditional Cantonese opera luo gu (gongs and drums) ensemble. When Xiang takes a farewell drink with his concubine, the performers adopt contemporary bangzi and erhuang singing styles singing to xiaoqu (folk music) in traditional Central Plains Mandarin, and in the final scenes, the depiction of Xiang Yu’s psychological complexity is enhanced by the introduction of contemporary melodies.
Respecting tradition and artistic innovation, our aim is to create vibrant productions that transcend traditional frameworks and explore new and original works, taking inspiration and elements from other performing art forms, and forging a new direction for Cantonese opera with an experimental and youthful approach.
Keith Lai Xiang Yu
Keith Lai graduated from The City University of Hong Kong with a BA in Chinese and is currently a committee member of the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong. A disciple of Cantonese opera masters Man Chin-sui and Poon Sai-lun, Lai also studied under Man Lai-fung and Hon Yan-ming. In 2010, he was recognised with the Most Promising Actor Award in a young male opera role by the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong and Radio Television Hong Kong Radio Five. In 2011, he was presented with the Award for Young Artist (Xiqu) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and formed his own troupe dedicated to promoting a new style of Cantonese opera.
In recent years, Keith has written a number of Cantonese opera scripts, including Son of Heaven, Breeze Pavilion and Battle of the Throne. He has also adapted two Shakespeare classics, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Hamlet, as Cantonese operas: A Dream in Fantasia and The Arrant Revenge.
Janet Wong Yuji
Janet Wong is a graduate of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Advanced Certificate Programme (Cantonese Opera), where she specialised in dan (female) roles. Inheriting her talent from her father, the renowned Cantonese opera actor Huang Jin-tang, she also studied under Ng Lut-kwong, Liang Gu-yin, Hu Zhi-feng and Li Fung. Wong has performed with various Cantonese opera troupes and also formed her own. In 2011, she became a resident performer in the Hong Kong Young Talent Cantonese Opera Troupe. In 2014, she won the Outstanding Performance Award at West Kowloon’s Rising Stars in Cantonese Opera Showcase, and in 2015 she was presented with the Award for Young Artist (Xiqu) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
Janet’s recent repertoire includes excerpts from Han Xin Defects to Han from Chu, Irrevocable Loss and Breeze Pavilion.
Ng Lap Hei Groom/ Soldier
A graduate from The Cantonese Opera Academy of Hong Kong, Ng Lap Hei is currently an actor in the Cantonese Opera Young Talent Showcase at the Yau Ma Tei Theatre. Ng studied under Wong Yee-man, Yeung Ming, Zhou Zhen-bang, Guan Shi-zhen, He Jia-yao and Tsai Win-wei, and was recognised as champion of the Lim Por Yen Trophy Cantonese Opera Excerpt Division and the Hong Kong Youth Cultural and Arts Competition in 2011. His recent performances include The Eight Mallets, The Battle of Changban Po and Lo Faa Dong.
Producer Naomi Chung*
Artistic Team
Playwright/ Director/ Music Arranger Keith Lai, Janet Wong
Actor Keith Lai, Janet Wong, Ng Lap Hei
Ensemble Leader Lee Tik Lun
Percussion Ensemble Leader Chan Ting Pong
Musicians (Arranged in alphabetical order) Chen Yi Fan, Ho Cheuk Chun, Lai Ka Wai Kevin, Lee Kwok Cheung, Leung Shuk In, Szeto Wai Suet, Yue Kin Long
Assistant Producer / Surtitle Operator Peter Lee*
Production Team
Set designer Wong Yat Kwan
Sound Designer Wan San Hong
Lighting Designer Leo Siu
Costume Designer Mandy Tam
Technical Director Rae Wu*
Production Manager Christina Choi*
Stage Manager Kami Ng
Assistant Stage Manager Chan Chak Kwan
Production Electrician Wong Kwan Kwan
Wardrobe Mistress Chiu Siu Chun, Lee Mee Yee
* WKCDA Staff