世界著名男高音歌唱家安德烈·波切利与花样滑冰世界冠军荒川静香、斯蒂凡·兰比尔、叶甫根尼·普鲁申科、梅丽尔·戴维斯、查理·怀特、梅根·杜哈明和埃里克·雷德福等联袂献上斥资千万,融合时装、古典音乐与花样滑冰于一身的《Intimissimi冰上秀:绝代芳华》。 《绝代芳华》由世界著名内衣品牌Intimissimi赞助出品。奥运会开幕式制作人马尔科·巴里奇(2006及2016年奥运会开幕式)担任创意总监,奥利弗奖得主同时也是英国皇家歌剧院和萨尔茨堡音乐节常客的达米亚诺·米基耶莱托执导。这场充满创意与美的盛宴,还集结了朱利亚·曼奇尼担任形式策划、帕奥罗·方丹担任舞美设计、内森·克拉克(2012年奥运会及残奥会开幕式、英国好声音)担任编舞及意大利时尚意见领袖琪亚拉·法拉格尼担任服装设计。 以希腊神话中的众多传奇女性为灵感,《绝代芳华》通过维纳斯、特洛伊的海伦、女巫瑟茜和美杜莎的故事,融合精彩绝伦的音乐和技艺高超的冰上舞蹈,展现女性的美丽动人。由一阵强烈的海上风暴开场,希腊女神阿弗洛狄忒从贝壳里现身,准备开始一段奇妙而壮观的旅程,穿越百合小径、闪耀的星座、激烈的战争以及电子游戏。舞台上充满了想象力,整场演出在著名的维罗纳斗兽场内给观众360°全方位感官体验。 Starring the best-selling artist Andrea Bocelli, Intimissimi on Ice: A Legend of Beauty is the unique ice show, where opera, figure skating and fashion combine at Arena Di Verona. The show features the finest Olympic-champion skaters, including Shizuka Arakawa, Stéphane Lambiel, Evgeny Plushenko, American duo Meryl Davis and Charlie White and the Canadian pairing of, Meagan Duhamel and Eric Radford.
A Legend of Beauty is sponsored by renowned Italian lingerie brand, Intimissimi. It centres around the most famous women of Greek mythology, including Venus, Helen of Troy, Circe and Medusa Through their stories, the show celebrates femininity, with the world’s most talented musicians and athletes. Opening with a stormy seascape, the Greek goddess Aphrodite emerges on a shell ready to embark on a journey through mythological worlds among lily pads, luminous constellations, fervent battles and video games.
The show is directed by Damiano Michieletto, one of the most talents in theatre having made his mark across the world. Creative direction is overseen by world-renowned Olympic producer Marco Balich (2006 Olympic Games, 2016 Olympic Games). Giulia Mancini is the show’s original format creator. Scenic design and staging is overseen by Paolo Fantin, with choreography by Nathan Clarke (2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games, The Voice UK) and costume design by world-famous Italian fashion influencer, Chiara Ferragni.